Big Things Being Worked On….

After the last post, work got busy, end-of-year stuff came up and everything else just dogpiled me, and made it hard to remember to do personal-life things in addition to all the other things.

So, I took a little bit of a break, but I kept making Draft posts.

Now I’ve got some vacation and I’m trying to clean up the clutter left behind by all that busy-ness, and I’m looking back at what was done and abandoned.

Things gotta change. I keep reliving past failures, not a good place to be, and every time I try to climb out things just rebury me. I can’t find a way to keep things from reburying me, yet….

Or, at least I couldn’t.

It kinda kicked me in the keister this past week as I was made aware during a work meeting that I had vacation coming up this week, and I had completely forgotten about it.

I had been so buried in my work that I hadn’t even been anticipating time off.

This vacation is time to figure that out, and other things.

I’ve already started enacting some long-term dream-goals, to see if that makes things clearer, but I really don’t want to jinx anything, so I’ll stay away from details yet.

But it does involve going through a ten year archive of old data in multiple online storage places, organizing it, and making it make sense. Building lists corelating information to other information, moving data from one folder to another, one online home to another, filling out metadata about the data and files and folders. Then building plans for the future on that.

Because I hate being that “oh, woe is me, I’ve suffered, let me post about it!” person and not doing a ding-dang thing about it.

So, yeah. Thanks for reading.



Hi! I'm Nate. I run this site. I'm just rebuilding things slowly, so thanks for your patience.

By Nate

Hi! I'm Nate. I run this site. I'm just rebuilding things slowly, so thanks for your patience.