Things are slowly getting better, much emphasis on the word slowly. I’m a month in to a new job that is going through training and expanding my responsibilities, paying minimum, and it’s hard. (Note: I’m not complaining about the pay. It is just frustrating for someone who has already put 25 years into the workforce to have to start back at minimum wage.)
The first two weeks of work have resulted in me being able to cover a few bills, but not everything – yet. Since that first paycheck I’ve been able to build some spreadsheets to make projections, and it will work out eventually, but very slowly, assuming no further disasters. But assuming no disasters takes out the most fundamental factor of our society today: we are our own predators, and the ethical constraints that keep predators from feeding on the weak have dwindled already, and are continuing to dwindle.
Based on this experience, so far, I can definitely understand now why “entrepreneurs” feel entitled to any and all “successes” they achieve after starting “from scratch”. You look back at this process and you fear having to go through it again. It took so much out of you the last time, you don’t know if you could make it again.
Or, to put it another way, since you survived the minefield of difficulties that is rebuilding yourself, somehow you’ve earned your way forever, and no one should be able to take that away, ever, so don’t (tax me/take my benefits/take my services/take my freedoms/insert your own thing here.) “I survived climbing back up, so I deserve every single penny I got while climbing back up, and every penny made after that, forever and ever.”
The obstacles to being able to get back up on your feet: paying for housing and food and whatever services you need to remain “suitable” for larger society – be it bathing, laundry, deodorants, haircuts, power for alarm clocks, internet for job searches, et cetera. This is the “motivation to improve yourself” or “motivation to become a contributor to society and not just be a leech”.
And aid that ‘s provided doesn’t cover all that. But they’re all necessities to pursuing and achieving employment.
There is this fear of providing for that survival/covering necessities while someone tries to get a livable paycheck, if it’s provided, people will lose motivation to try at all. They’ll be able to afford to survive and do just that – just survive.
And, honestly, some do. Some try and fail and try and fail again, and after failing a few more times they just can’t get back up. Because jobs get posted and you don’t hear back for a month. Because you get disqualified because “you don’t have the experience” or “you’re overqualified” or “we’re going to keep your resume for a better fit.” And the system is always changing, every five years a good deal of the corporate speak changes, new memes replace older memes, processes change, so you keep up or you die. Add to this those at the top are always trying to improve profits by removing expenditures – usually employees – so they want AI, they want automation, they want to limit hiring.
So some take to scams or crimes. Because if you can make a whole lotta money quickly, wouldn’t you try? If you can get the money to pay the bills quickly and let you play? Wouldn’t you? Well?
And, yet, serious talk about changing this system gets shot down by those who DID manage to claw their way to the top, or by those who got birthed by those who clawed their way to the top, because – their scams or crimes might be uncovered? They might be put back down amongst us unwashed to have to climb out again? (Note: the word “claw” can be replaced by “scam” very easily. Or replaced with “crime”.)
It’s hardly any wonder that so many just succumb to the mind-numbing despair that repeatedly visits during this process. And it’s no wonder that those who do make it through NEVER want to go through it again.
Well, I have to get back to it all – thanks for reading. I hope your day is going better.
If you can, please donate. I’m still trying to make the videos and podcast-like things. And everything costs money, as always.