What happened

So, my position at my previous employer was eliminated on March 1st, 2024.

And after working in technology for about 25 years, everything is pivoting to AI. My 20 years of doing techsupport is being subsumed into AI chatbots. My 10 years of engineering workflows based on custom needs is being subsumed into AI design.

So I started working on becoming a podcaster, but I discovered that I have trouble performing the reading/recording to create the stuff to edit into the audio for a podcast. I re-recorded the same bit of reading some twenty times before trying to move on.

Concurrently I’ve reactivated my online profiles on various job board sites, but they’re now run by AI and keep mismatching my skills with “Sales rep” and/or “Marketing President” and/or “Medical Service” – or the worst, a Frankenstein combination of the three examples. Add to that companies don’t want to hire remote workers that can’t do hybrid work – and I haven’t had a car since before COVID, so I can’t go into a workplace. Every response I get to online job postings either mismatches my skills or requires in-office time, sometimes in other states or time zones.

So I pivoted to possibly doing videos of me playing games with commentary, but I don’t expect that to start earning any money anytime soon. I’m hoping recording off-the-cuff videos will help alleviate the stress and difficulty in recording the materials for the podcast.

This is concurrent to applying to every business within walking distance of where I live. I’ve only had two interviews.

Just a few days ago I’ve started streaming.

It’s so stressful. I’ve been working on multiple efforts for months, and now I’m reaching the end of my rope. I’m over 40. And everyone goes on about how I just need to reinvent myself, and I’m trying.

I keep trying to blog, but I’m just not interesting anymore. Maybe because I don’t want to just promote hot takes anymore – all the takes out there are already hot enough to cook with.

So, yeah. That’s what’s gone on.

And I’m trying to improve the websites.

Hope life is treating you well, reader.

Edit: Oh, yeah, and the ceiling collapsed in yesterday in our kitchen. We rent, so the landlord came out and handled the emergency stuff, but the A/C guy is coming out to handle the condensation from one of the lines on Friday, and then if that dries out then the drywall person will be coming out to repair the ceiling in the kitchen. Not a quick fix, and definitely stressful the entire time.

There’s probably more I’m forgetting, but I just gotta get back to it.



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